Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Maximum Pension Contributions Women's UK Pension Question ?

Women's UK Pension question ? - maximum pension contributions

I thought Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP entered) entered into force in April 1978. This measure has been taken to safeguard the basic state pension for women in retirement, to ensure that full social security contributions were paid, even if the woman is working on to bring up a child.

A woman asked if she benefits for the child HRP. If you are paying for services of an entitlement for children of 19 years) (the maximum, then release for 19 years the number of years a woman has a rule for a full state pension from the state work currently 39 years.

My question is Does anyone know if to HRP if part-time work on the pretext of family allowances, but only paying a small fee for this work, or is it the case that only receives protection if you are entitled to child benefit and not to all work, while raising the child or whether they pay the full stamp?

PS: I am not saying that the only woman working on part time, the full time for many years before they have children and worked therefore his compensation, stamp.


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